How to use the MSCP Sam Broadcaster Starter Package Print

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Sam Broadcaster makes use of PAL scripts to manage when categories are played or other actions are taken. Using these lines of code you can set your station ids to play every X minutes during song play. It'll even lower the volume of the currently playing track a little while the station id plays. Pal scripts allow you to do some really amazing things and while Pal scripts can seem complex to some, simply upload our special package to your FTP server and you'll be able to quickly load and apply.



We've included a download package with all MSCP orders which can be uploaded to your MSCP FTP server. Included you'll find a readme file and a folder with Pal scripts, sound effects and other files to help get you started.



If you're a Hired Hosting MSCP Pro + client, click on at the top of the page and choose My Services. Select your MSCP package and look for the download link in the left menu.

(1) Download & un compress the package.

(2) Upload all of the folders in the package to the media-spots directory in your MSCP FTP server. (media-spots directory is just a suggestion, you can upload the folder wherever you like)

(3) After you've uploaded the folders to your MSCP FTP, in Sam click on Windows at the top and choose Pal Scripts.

(4) In the Pal Scripts window, click the + button, click the folder icon and find one of the PAL scripts you uploaded to your MSCP. It's up to you if you want to have the scripts automatically start. Once loaded you can highlight the script and choose RUN.

--- The PAL script Play_Advertisements_Every_15_Minutes.pal requires you have some files in the Advertisements (All) category in your Sam Broadcaster Playlist window.

--- The PAL script Play_Station-ID-Every-X-Minutes.pal requires you have some files in the Station IDs (All) category in your Sam Broadcaster Playlist window. You can also open this file and change the minutes near the top. Default is 10 minutes and will look like
PAL.WaitForTime(' +00:10:00');
so for example to change this to 30 minutes...
PAL.WaitForTime(' +00:30:00');

(5) Make sure you sync your Station ID & Advertisements categories.

(6) We have also included a very basic playlist clockwheel you can load. In Sam at the top click on the CONFIG button.
Choose Playlist Rotation Rules, at the bottom in the drop down menu under Playlist login modules choose the Clockwheel option and click Configure.

Now click the Load button and find the Clockwheel folder which you uplaoded earlier. Save and the new clockwheel should be applied instantly.

(7) For the SoundEffects folder, we do not recommend you add the entire directory, load only the ones you feel you would use.



 We've included some extra Pal scripts, drops, jingles and station Ids to help get you started. Installing a pre built Pal script is easy, watch the video above for a detailed tutorial 



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