There are no Open Network Issues Currently

Server Status

Below is a real-time overview of our servers where you can check if there's any known issues.

Server Name HTTP FTP POP3 PHP Info Server Load Uptime
cPanel/WHM PHP Info
Sonic Panel (Shoutcast/Icecast) Oregon, USA PHP Info
cPanel Down (Resolved) Critical

Affecting Other - cPanel Access Down

  • 04/04/2024 20:10 - 04/04/2024 22:48
  • Last Updated 04/04/2024 21:38

UPDATE 5:30 PM EST - Looks like cPanel is being sold, our account with them is going to This would explain the problems as they migrate to new owners.

UPDATE 5:10 PM - lots of users still reporting issues.  No problems with Hired Hosting at the moment. 

UPDAE 4:30 PM EST - access has been restored. cPanel was able to not only lock us out of the panel, but also FTP access to all sites. No sites went down but the CWP panel is looking better and better each day. 

We are unable to access any of our cPanel websites. Problems started at about 3:50PM EST

Others are reporting same issues on their forum.